Here are some crazy laws in the world that I love to learn about
Every year, people go into shock when they hear a story of a person who has been arrested or killed for violating a law. That doesn’t mean it’s not sad, but it is sad in a different way. It could be terrifying and you may see vulnerability in yourself. You might be wondering if there are any ways to lessen your risk. Well, luckily there are.
There are thousands of laws all over the world. Some are so complicated and difficult to comprehend that many countries have laws that help explain them. So let’s dive in!
Here are five craziest laws in the world that make my head spin. They will change how you look at this world.
1. A person cannot own more than one item on their property
You may think that owning multiple items does not violate our rights, but it is actually illegal. This means that you must live in an apartment or house with a single family unit. If you want to rent out your space for Airbnb, this rule applies as well.
However, if you own rental properties, you need to follow these rules:
One person cannot share a room with someone with a higher legal age. If they have been married in the last 10 years, then that person has to pay taxes.
If two people share a bed, they can not use another bedroom.
If three people share a room, they can not use the bathroom.
2. No body is an island
If you have no money, you still have to obey the laws. For example, if you are driving a car, do not break the speed limit. Violating these rules would result in consequences.
No matter what you do and where you live, you are bound by certain laws. You must follow them, even if you don’t understand them. These rules protect everyone from getting hurt. Whether it is breaking the traffic laws, keeping the streets safe, or not hurting other drivers, the laws are meant to keep us safe.
3. An empty bottle of coke is a good investment
You might not believe me, but the fact is that empty bottles are worth far more than regular ones! What are the benefits of investing in empty bottles? One of them is making investments on stock markets.
As long as you fill up the bottles, you can sell them. Another advantage is that empty bottles are not damaged. When the bottles are filled, they are recyclable and can be used. Empty bottles can be recycled easily. You won’t waste anything. Plus, you can save yourself some money.
4. Don’t touch those plastic bags
You have probably heard about this law before. Plastic bags are a big problem in our planet. Not only do they pollute the air and landfills, but they also contain microplastics that can harm marine animals.
All these plastics end up in rivers and seas. To get rid of those plastic bags, you need to put those bag in a trashcan. But why? Because it’s against the law. And yes, that’s just ridiculous. Let’s see what else we should know about this law in the world!
5. Do not Steal
This is a common law in almost every country. Thieves steal from homeless people. Most thieves are caught without stealing anything. This law makes sense because nobody wants to feel like they are losing everything.
It is okay if someone steals, but don’t steal from others. It’s alright to give back when you can, but don’t steal from others. And if you are going to steal something, please don’t steal from anyone. Stealing hurts others, too. So do it in moderation. By doing so, you are helping society.
I hope you find these crazy laws interesting. Remember that most laws around the world exist to protect the citizens. Be mindful of them and never break them. Everyone deserves to live a happy life and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Stay healthy, stay curious, and always be respectful of others. I hope you’re ready to join the ranks of brave pioneers!