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Being Alone is Bless or Curse ?

Firstly I would like to declare that this blog is based on my own perceptions and experiences. I thought I should write it down as if there may be some other humans that are alike me. If this hurts someone's feelings, accept my apology in advance.

I'm a guy that love to be alone. I love the peace of not having other people around, but I also like the comfort of being able to retreat into my own thoughts and thoughts alone.

No one can ever hear you scream as loudly as you'd like to, but even if you shout it out, you'll never know if anyone else has heard you. But I like to think I'm different from everyone else in this regard, because what am I doing wrong? What is making me feel so awful? Am I really crazy? I don't know, but I do know that I'm the only individual that doesn't want to have their voice heard or to know what's going on on their own.

This isn't for everybody. There are plenty of people who need a place to go to vent and feel safe, but at least they're there and in a critical moment, they might not be present to support you when you need them the most.

Sometime I hate seeing others happy, and I'm sure many of us do too. But we can choose how to react. We can decide whether we want to acknowledge this fact, and accept it for what it is or whether we want to turn our back on ourselves and ignore it all together.

It's up to each person to decide what would make them happy. If someone is unhappy, then that's the first thing they should do and may be this sadness make them happy. You don't know what's causing their unhappiness and happiness.

Maybe it's something minor, maybe it's something bigger that needs attention, or maybe it's just that bad day where everything went downhill. Whatever it is, it's not your responsibility to fix it. And if they don't do anything about it, then you're probably right to call it out in whatever way, shape, or form that makes sense to you.

However, it doesn't mean you can't talk about what you want, and let your audience understand that they can do the same. The important part is that you don't stop communicating with those who need you. That means you must listen when they talk, and you must give them space when they express themselves freely.

You shouldn't try to force yourself to talk when their talking isn't getting anywhere, either. Just make it an effort to listen. Letting go of anger and resentment will create space for someone else to move forward.

Being lonely can be very isolating, and can lead to depression and anxiety. So if you happen to be feeling down, don't get discouraged and try to keep things light and pleasant! Take one step back and see if you can't find a solution that won't hurt anybody else.

Or if you're struggling with loneliness, don't hesitate to reach out to someone who might be able to help you get through it together. Don't hesitate to reach out to a friend or family member, or even to a therapist. These people can help by listening to you and offering advice or support.

Even though they can't solve your problems, they can offer you the emotional support you need to overcome the pain and suffering caused by loneliness. And while you're on your journey, remember that nobody can replace you or replace your relationship with God, so let nature take its course in healing you.

At the end of the day, what matters is how you treat others, and how you treat yourself. In any situation, there is always hope if you put yourself in front of it.

I don't care what happens or doesn't happen. All I care about is finding ways to live a good, happy and meaningful life, and letting the world see the beauty in your existence.

I'm not here to judge or condemn, nor am I here to make excuses or apologize for past sins. Despite all the challenges we face, there is always beauty to be found around us.

As long as you stay true to yourself and keep moving forward, there will always be opportunities ahead of you to be seen by God and loved by Him.

Given the shortness of life, it is crucial to seize every moment and make the most of our time joyful.

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